  "A grassroots alliance dedicated to full citizenship for individuals with disabilities."   + Larger Font | - Smaller Font




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We Love Regina...But! 

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Bill 160 

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Disability Strategy Background

1997 -- 99 Provincial Inter-Agency Network on Disability (PIND) initiated a series of meetings with provincial government ministers and officials.  We told them:

·         People with disabilities are living in poverty.  Half are living with incomes less than $10,000 a year. 

·         Disability supports -- programs and services are inadequate

·         Unemployment rates are high -- almost twice as high regardless of boom or bust

·         People with disabilities experiencing experience low participation rates in the labour market compared to general population -- low participation rates = not working, not looking for work, not in school

·         Comparatively low educational attainment levels. 

 Â·         Our message was the Saskatchewan government must consult with the community of people with disabilities and developed a comprehensive strategy on disability issues.

1999 -- the provincial government introduced an initial strategy on disability.  The key elements of the strategy included:


    •  a Minister Responsible for Disability Issues
    • the Council on Disability Issues was created.  It had the ability to set its own agenda.  It was tasked to prepare a Saskatchewan Disability Action Plan and make recommendations for a disability inclusion lens
    • joint community government task teams.  
    • Office of Disability Issues was put in place.

In June 2001, after extensive community consultations across the province, we release the Saskatchewan Disability Action Plan .  It was tabled in the legislature.


·         A joint government-community task force made recommendations for a disability lens.  A disability lens is a process for ensuring government consults with the community on important disability issues in an open and transparent way.

·         In 2001 shortly after the Saskatchewan Disability Action Plan was presented the provincial government transformed our Council into the advisory committee.  The Council lost its independence.

·         Task teams -- disappointing experience: a number of task teams just faded away when government lost interest or just didn't want to deal with a particular issue.

 A Promise Broken -- The 2004 Throne Speech made disability a government priority and promised a comprehensive disability strategy.  The government of Saskatchewan has broken their promise and not introduced a new strategy.

·         June 2007 Disability Inclusion Policy Framework announced


Analysis: Disability Inclusion Policy Framework

 Framework: Vision

"Saskatchewan people with disabilities participate fully in the economic and social life of their communities and the province". 

 Saskatchewan Disability Action Plan: Vision

A society that recognizes the needs and aspirations of all citizens, respects the rights of individuals to self-determination, and provides the resources and supports necessary for full Citizenship.

The Framework Vision fails to open the future for people with disabilities.  A vision statement should talk about fulfilling needs and aspirations: and about supporting people with disabilities to achieve citizenship.

Framework Goals talk only about reducing barriers and not eliminating barriers. 

Framework Principles are meaningless.  Each Framework principle talks about 'should' instead of 'will'.  There is no reference to independence, self-determination, citizenship principles or universal design.

Disability Inclusion Lens is fallaciously described as the vision, values and principles of the Policy Framework. 

A well-designed disability inclusion lens is a government process and mechanism designed to assess the impact of policies, programs and legislation on individuals with disabilities. 

Disability Supports

The Framework proposes programs and services based on "measured responses based on need" instead of individual needs. 

 Framework proposals are designed to avoid government responsibility.  The needs of people with disabilities will be ignored in favour of the system.

Disability Programs and Supports questions:

Is it the Government's intention to eliminate intended health care programs like the Paraplegic Program?

What disability programs and supports will be subject to user fees and co-payments?  Will there be compounded user fees and co-payments? 

Will the Government simply ignore the extra cost of disability?


Disability Community Call for Comprehensive Disability Support and Income Programs


The Saskatchewan Government should demonstrate courage and disavow, ignore or otherwise put aside this grievously flawed Policy Framework.  The government would be much better served by initiating a consultation process on disability supports and income.

Comprehensive Disability Strategy Key Elements

  • Income support program outside of the welfare system.
  • Prescription drugs and related health needs (such as special diets). 
  • Personal support services of all kinds (such as self-directed attendant care, home support services, sign language interpretation, communication supports, and support workers).
  • Assistive devices and supplies (such as mobility aids, hearing aids and other communication aids, incontinence supplies, home oxygen).

Disability Supports...

  • Must be developed in consultation with the community of persons with disabilities.
  • Available to all Saskatchewan citizens regardless of type of disability, age or geographic location.  
  •  Provided on an equal basis to all regardless of their residential or living arrangements. 
  • Portable across jurisdictions.
  •  "De-linked" from eligibility for income programs. 
  • Funded or provided based on need.  
  • Access to disability supports is not restricted by user fees or co-payments. 
  • Publicly funded and administered universal disability supports program. 

Community reaction

  • July 10, 2007 -- Michael Huck sent a letter to the Saskatchewan Premier criticizing Disability Framework

  • July 19, 2007 -- IDEA Regina board members met with the Provincial Interagency Network on Disability (PIND)

  •  Community organizations including IDEA Regina, PIND, Saskatchewan Voice of People with Disabilities reject the Disability Inclusion Policy Framework

  • August 21, 2007 -- government conducted consultation on framework in Regina: IDEA Regina conducted information picket publicly rejected policy framework.  IDEA Regina calls on the Saskatchewan Government to demonstrate courage and disavow, ignore or otherwise put aside this grievously flawed Policy Framework.  The government would be much better served by initiating a consultation process on disability supports and income.

Post-election Events

  • New provincial cabinet does not include a Minister Responsible for Disability Issues.  Minister of Social Services given broad responsibility for disability issues.
  • New government terminates Council on Disability Issues.
  • Minister Social Services informs community of people with disabilities willingness to review disability framework policy.
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